
Thursday, January 12, 2012

Black people don't do that: Stay in church for less than 2 hrs

(Note: this post is in a tongue in cheek look at this subject. So lighten up a little. Sometimes hard topics can breed good conversation when first approached with humor. I encourage you be BRAVE enough to comment and laugh... it's ok!)

I grew up in a small all black baptist church. Growing up you did nothing on Sunday except go to church....ALL day (especially if we had a special program)!

It wasn't until I got to college that I visited an all white church. It was complete culture shock!
I had no doubt that my white friends and their congregants loved Jesus and was commited to living a life that honored was just they expressed it differently. Here are a few of my observations:

1. White church used a guitars in the music. The piano or the organ was the most prominent instrument in the joint. Then came the drums and then the tamborine
2. White church worship songs had nature metaphors and references. They sang about "deer panting for the water", about mountains and streams. In black church, we sang about how Jesus was going " help you pay your rent, and get clothes for your babies".
3. White church began and ended within 1.5 hrs. Black church started and ended when "the Holy Ghost said so"...translation...hours later. Comedian Gary Owens comments on his experience in an all black church

I always attributed the length of service as the number one reason I couldn't get people to come to church with me growing up...LOL!

Oh and for those who haven't had the experience of attending an all black service here is a little preview from the Color Purple. One of my favorite scenes!

What are some differences you noticed between Black and White churches?

Wholeheartedly me!


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