You may not see it but there is a change in me.
I have reached a point in my life where the things I have been a afraid to do are the very things I am determined to tackle head on.
I can no longer run from certain things because the things I am running from are the very things I need to help me fulfill my purpose.
Recently i read a quote on Facebook that said
"Your gifts are not about YOU
Leadership is not about YOU
Your purpose is not about YOU
A life of significance is about serving those
who need your gifts, leadership, and purpose"
Kevin Hall, "Aspire"
I fell in love with this quote because that is where I am. Ironically, in a blog I discover how it isn't about me at all. I am drilling down deep to excavate, unearth and forcibly remove all the junk that keeps me thinking it is all about me!
Basically, I am doing YOU a disservice by not reaching my full potential and well the people pleaser in me just can't have that! LOL
I am going to be doing some BIG things in these next few months. My vision for what this blog was going to be in January of 2012 has changed. It might not continue, but don't worry you will continue to hear from me.
I am unleashed now and you can either come with me or get out the way!
Lessons in discovering and accepting who God is making me to be. "...but on Your shoulders, I can see....I am free to be ME" ~Francesa Battistelli!
Friday, June 22, 2012
Friday, May 25, 2012
Selling yourself short
I have recently learned that I have been severely selling myself short to that point of being handicapped.
When someone compliments you, do you brush it off? Sometimes, especially Christians, in our efforts to avoid being prideful and walk in humility, we short change the skills we have developed and the talents God gave us.
I recently connected with a former recruiter to get some perspective on the impression my resume gives to a potential employer or client. I never met the recruiter before and she was referred to me by a college friend so this was going to be perfect: a stranger with no prior knowledge of me could give some honest feedback.
Her comments were so unbelievably complimentary that I couldn't believe she was talking about me. She said I had excellent experiences and just needed to tweak a few things to make those experiences really shine.
I had never thought my experiences amounted to much because they weren't with fortune 500 companies. But as I think about it... skills are skills no matter where you develop them. I am slowly and I do mean slowly remembering the compliments I used to brush off. I am remembering the skills I used volunteering. I am rethinking my work experiences through a new set of eyes...appreciation!
In talking to the people who know me well, they kept saying things like "finally", "it's about time", and "at last", as if they knew I was blinded by my shortsightedness all along. And knowing them, they probably told me about it but I didn't listen.
The BRAVE lesson for me was giving myself permission to actually see my strengths. I AM good at what I love to do. Recognizing that isn't prideful but actually gives glory to God.
When someone compliments you, do you brush it off? Sometimes, especially Christians, in our efforts to avoid being prideful and walk in humility, we short change the skills we have developed and the talents God gave us.
I recently connected with a former recruiter to get some perspective on the impression my resume gives to a potential employer or client. I never met the recruiter before and she was referred to me by a college friend so this was going to be perfect: a stranger with no prior knowledge of me could give some honest feedback.
Her comments were so unbelievably complimentary that I couldn't believe she was talking about me. She said I had excellent experiences and just needed to tweak a few things to make those experiences really shine.
I had never thought my experiences amounted to much because they weren't with fortune 500 companies. But as I think about it... skills are skills no matter where you develop them. I am slowly and I do mean slowly remembering the compliments I used to brush off. I am remembering the skills I used volunteering. I am rethinking my work experiences through a new set of eyes...appreciation!
In talking to the people who know me well, they kept saying things like "finally", "it's about time", and "at last", as if they knew I was blinded by my shortsightedness all along. And knowing them, they probably told me about it but I didn't listen.
The BRAVE lesson for me was giving myself permission to actually see my strengths. I AM good at what I love to do. Recognizing that isn't prideful but actually gives glory to God.
Friday, March 2, 2012
Scriptural Gem: Enjoy the ride (Philippians 1:6)
Enjoy where you are on the way the way to where you are going!
In all the madness and "git-her-done-ness" of my life right now I am miserable. My business is taking off and I am constantly thinking about how to improve it. How to get more customers? How do I keep the ones I have? How do I prepare for lean times.
In addition to that we had a small financial set back. So I have been worrying about whether we'll have the money to celebrate our 10 year anniversary in the grand sweeping way I so desire.
My son is getting ready to start preschool so I wondering if he has learned enough at home.
The last few weeks have been emotionally and mentally draining. I can't seem to turn my mind off. I am thinking about the future and how to get me and everyone else where I want to be.
Then I read Philippian 1:6 where Paul wrote to the church there:
I am convinced and sure of this very thing thing, He Who began a good work in you will continue until the day of Jesus Christ, developing that good work and perfecting and bring it to full completion in you. [AMP]
I have been so bogged down in the details of my life that I am not enjoying my life!
I have been absolutely miserable for the last few weeks. Why? I am trying to develop perfect and bring to completion the work in my life. Not just with my business but with my character goals, relationship goals, and yes financial goal. In short, I have been hustling. I haven't allowed myself to enjoy anything really.
I keep thinking this success is temporary and if I stop to enjoy any of it I will lose momentum and then the success will end.
That is a very defeating and deflating line of thinking. It has just left me stressed and upset because I am not enjoying the fruits of my labor.
This corrosive line of thinking isn't just in my professional life but in my personal life as well.
I am not enjoying my young children because I am worrying about the next step in their development. Do they know their names, shapes, colors, numbers, and letters? No? Well I really should be doing something that helps them learn those things and not building a fort for them to play in.
It sounds utterly ridiculous to say that out loud but it is what I have been thinking. Other moms seems to have this creative way of making learning fun for their kids and I am struggling to think of what they need to know. Un-oh I am falling prey to comparisons again. The result? I look at my kids for what they need to become and not for who they are. I don't enjoy them now because I am scared that I won't adequately prepare them for what is coming.
Bottom line is I am trying to make all these things happen and the Bible is telling me that I need to rely on God to do the heavy lifting of making us all over into what we need to be. It is also telling me I need to enjoy the ride and not just try to hurry to the destination.
Hmmmm....ok God I hear ya! Help me do that.
Seeking gems,
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Where is God?
Bad things happen in this world and most of the time when we are upset about how things happened we tend to ask Where is God? Where was God when 9-11 happened? Where was God in Katrina? In Irene? when the earthquakes hit? when the wildfires blazed? when that child was abducted and sold as a sex slave? where was God when we lost our house? I lost my job? Where was God when she got raped? He got murdered? We got he deceptively got millions and we honestly went broke? Where was God when...? pick a tragedy and fill in the blank.
We demand to know where God is in a tragedy because we somehow believe if God was "there" then the tragedy wouldn't have happened. We have this view of God in our world today as the preventor of all things bad. And when God doesn't prevent something bad from happening we can blame him. We question is true sovereignty or even his existence. Why do feel the right to blame God? Because we believe that since God has the power to stop things from happening He must have chosen to allow a bad thing to happen to us. Some take this even further to even give evidence that there is no God at all. Or to choose not to trust a God who operates that way.
I don't purport to have all the answers but here is something I want to offer. Perhaps we are asking the wrong question. Instead of asking where is God? or why did God let happen?
What would happen if we asked: God, where am I?
Follow me a second on this. This question assumes a lot. It assumes you believe in God. It assumes you believe that God is in relationship with mankind. It assumes man can choose the degree and depth of his relationship to God.
Following all of those assumptions, if we ask "God, where am I?" in life's tragedies perhaps the answers could bring more comfort. Am I in a place to hear God? Am I in a place to let God direct me? And I in a place to allow God to comfort me? Am I in a place to allow God to correct me?
The Bible says God doesn't change. He is the same yesterday today and forever. He's a christianese word...omnipresent which means everywhere all the time. In tragedies, He is where He was always been. In good times. He is where He has always been.
Believe it or not. That is good news to me. Here is where my biblical worldview is going to come out. God is and will always be in the very same "place" when good things happen and bad things happen.
The BRAVE lesson for me is trust is a hard "mother *shut your mouth*" to learn and live by. (Did you like my Shaft reference :)
In tough and confusing times I can seek solace by:
1. asking God where is my mental and emotional state on an issue?
2. assessing what that state reveals about my beliefs
3. turning to God to get through it not away from Him
If I am completely honest with myself, I don't always like it this approach. At times, I still demand more concrete answers but after the fist shaking and hissy fit have passed, God is still there and where is always been waiting for me to see the trust lesson.
Wholeheartedly me,
The Incident
I have been a big promoter of stepping out and trying new
things. But what happens when you try new things and they blow up in your face? How
do you recover from that?
Many years ago friend of mine had a cousin who was in a
coma as a result of an accident. He was on life support and doctors weren’t
optimistic of his recovery. My friend was praying for her cousin, as usual when
one day she heard God say that her cousin was going to live and go to tell the
family. Naturally my friend got really excited and she told the rest of her
family to keep the faith and be diligent because her cousin was going to live.
But he died. His death was devastating for my friend. She never really got over
it because she felt ashamed and foolish for believing God and it didn’t come to
The friend in my story was me. I stepped out on what I believed was faith
and felt utterly humiliated. I never spoke about “the incident” again because I
didn’t want to relive the feelings of hurt, embarrassment, and anger that are
as fresh as if they happened yesterday, not over a decade ago.
I didn’t doubt then nor do I doubt now that I heard from
God. But what I heard and what happened didn’t sync.
Recently, I was talking to my husband about those times when
we are believing God for something in earnest and it doesn’t happen. How do you
reconcile that in your mind? How do you have faith to trust and believe for the
next thing?
Well my latest “next thing” is here and I am struggling. I was talking
to God about a desire I have. I want something specific for my business and to
me it is a big deal. Yet I hesitate to ask God because of the residue from “the incident”. In a
BRAVE moment, when there was quiet and I was willing, I brought it up. Yes I
talk to God out loud sometimes. Conversation went something like this:
“Ok, God, you seem to want to address this issue. I felt
disappointed by the outcome of “the incident”. I honestly believe I heard you
and was obedient in telling my family that he was going to live and not die.
But he died! Some might accuse me of not hearing from you. Some might accuse me
of having some secret sin in my life which could have caused it not to happen.
There are lots of reasons but the bottom line is when a person publically
proclaims something from You and it doesn’t happen for private reasons…that
person looks like an idiot! And I don’t like that.”
I wish I could say God answered me back as plainly as I spoke to him. But He didn’t. The oddest thing happened though. For the first time since “the incident” I was able to fully recount the whole story without feeling the familiar twins of embarrassment and anger. By remembering the events without the pain associated with them, I was able to allow my wounds to begin to heal. In the healing process, you can see things you never saw before. I discovered I was taking responsibility for something I shouldn’t have. I was in my teens when “the incident” happened and legally the decisions that were made about my cousin’s care or treatment were not within my control. What was in my control was my mouth. I was told to spread the hope that my cousin would live. I did that.
I wish I could say God answered me back as plainly as I spoke to him. But He didn’t. The oddest thing happened though. For the first time since “the incident” I was able to fully recount the whole story without feeling the familiar twins of embarrassment and anger. By remembering the events without the pain associated with them, I was able to allow my wounds to begin to heal. In the healing process, you can see things you never saw before. I discovered I was taking responsibility for something I shouldn’t have. I was in my teens when “the incident” happened and legally the decisions that were made about my cousin’s care or treatment were not within my control. What was in my control was my mouth. I was told to spread the hope that my cousin would live. I did that.
The BRAVE lesson God allowed me to see was that in a culture
where we are so focused on RESULTS, it is hard to be satisfied with simply
being faithful to do your part...especially when that part is small.
I wanted the results! I wanted the headline: "Teen miraculously survives near fatal accident". But it wasn't until I let go of the "results" and accepted that I did my part that I could even talk about it...let alone blog about it. I can't honestly say I understand what God was doing, did, is doing with regard to "the incident" but I can say, I am on my way to healing from it.
Wholeheartedly me,
Wholeheartedly me,
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Scriptural Gem: Like a tree (Jer 12:7-8)
One of my new favorite things is looking at trees. All different types of trees. I especially like looking at trees when they do not have any leaves on them. In the fall and winter when they are bare and seem to be dark and grey I can really see the intricacies of their structure. In the spring and summer, I can witness the tree renew itself and produce leaves and fruit. Amazing!
I was reading in Jeremiah 17:7, 8
Most blessed is the man who believes in, trusts in, and relies on the Lord, whose hope and confidence the Lord is. Vs 8 For he shall be like a tree planted by the waters, that spreads out its roots by the river; and it shall not see and fear when heat comes; but its leaf shall be green. It shall not be anxious and full of care in the year of drought nor shall it cease yielding fruit.
The GEM I am receiving from this scriptures is that the latter verse which talks about how the tree will stand and be green and not fear is predicated on the prior verse.
I need to believe in and trust the Lord with EVERYTHING so that I can have the strength to be brave enough not to fear when heat and drought comes.
We've all experienced "heated" and "dry" circumstances of life and we will continue to have these times.
My roots are planted and secure in the hope of the gospel of Christ. I can trust God even when I have no clue what is going on. In fact, THAT is when trust really counts. Trust doesn't kick in until you are clueless about the ways but you know the character of him. I have to admit it is HARD sometimes to trust that openly and honestly. For me, I hesitate because I ascribe to God the same flaws of men. I assume God will disappoint just like "so and so" did in 1986. As a result of broken trust in the past, I am guarded with extending my trust in the future...even to God.
Each year I ascribe a motto for that year. It is a mantra that I try to live as a way of assessing how I spent my year. In 2010, it was "I CAN do it". That year I tackled hard issues and forced myself to keep going. In 2011, it was "O for grace to trust him more". I wanted to trust God with those things that I hid from him and asked him not to touch. I couldn't come up with a mantra for 2012 and now I know why. Because I am not finished with expanding my ability to trust God...and others. I have a lot more work to do in that area. So my 2012 motto is "Increasing trust".
Through this scripture I have discovered that it is possible to not only survive tough times but to thrive and be fruitful in long as my trust and confidence is in the Lord and his ability.
I want to be able to do that. We recently went through a very stressful time financially and I was embarrassed and surprised at my lack of trust. My goal isn't to brag about how much trust God. My goal is to prove to myself that I have grown in the area of trusting God. That is what counts. Sometimes moving from point A to point A.5 is progress worth celebrating.
Walking out the Gem,
I was reading in Jeremiah 17:7, 8
The GEM I am receiving from this scriptures is that the latter verse which talks about how the tree will stand and be green and not fear is predicated on the prior verse.
I need to believe in and trust the Lord with EVERYTHING so that I can have the strength to be brave enough not to fear when heat and drought comes.
We've all experienced "heated" and "dry" circumstances of life and we will continue to have these times.
My roots are planted and secure in the hope of the gospel of Christ. I can trust God even when I have no clue what is going on. In fact, THAT is when trust really counts. Trust doesn't kick in until you are clueless about the ways but you know the character of him. I have to admit it is HARD sometimes to trust that openly and honestly. For me, I hesitate because I ascribe to God the same flaws of men. I assume God will disappoint just like "so and so" did in 1986. As a result of broken trust in the past, I am guarded with extending my trust in the future...even to God.
Each year I ascribe a motto for that year. It is a mantra that I try to live as a way of assessing how I spent my year. In 2010, it was "I CAN do it". That year I tackled hard issues and forced myself to keep going. In 2011, it was "O for grace to trust him more". I wanted to trust God with those things that I hid from him and asked him not to touch. I couldn't come up with a mantra for 2012 and now I know why. Because I am not finished with expanding my ability to trust God...and others. I have a lot more work to do in that area. So my 2012 motto is "Increasing trust".
Through this scripture I have discovered that it is possible to not only survive tough times but to thrive and be fruitful in long as my trust and confidence is in the Lord and his ability.
I want to be able to do that. We recently went through a very stressful time financially and I was embarrassed and surprised at my lack of trust. My goal isn't to brag about how much trust God. My goal is to prove to myself that I have grown in the area of trusting God. That is what counts. Sometimes moving from point A to point A.5 is progress worth celebrating.
Walking out the Gem,
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Scriptural Gem: Comparisons (2Cor 10:12b)
The first line in my first ever blog post called Introducing, says "Growing up I wished I was anybody but me". I go on to say how everyone seemed to have qualities I admired and wished I had. I didn't accept myself and this blog was intended to be about my discoveries and accepting who God has made and is making me to be. So I have been comparing myself with other people FOREVER. It has been a habit so deeply rooted in me that it happens without me even knowing it is happening.
Recently I came across a scripture that made me rethink comparing myself to others.
When they measure themselves with themselves and compare themselves with one another, they are without understanding and behave unwisely. (AMP) 2 Corinthians 10:12b
There are other scriptures in the Bible that warn against the comparing ourselves with others. This scripture struck me because of how it opens.
"When they measure themselves with themselves." As I though about it, when I compared myself to others, I was somehow saying that my finite understanding and limited life experience was sufficient enough to definitively conclude that I didn't measure up.
What happens when you compare yourself to other people? Either you don't measure up and become jealous or envious of them and further hate yourself. OR you find someone who you actually surpass on your measuring stick and then think yourself haughty and your ego is inflated and are filled with pride.
So please tell me what good comes from comparisons like that.
When other people are our standard it is like building a house on shifting sand. Am I saying there aren't people who are admirable and who we could learn from? Absolutely not. There are people who could be a role model for us.
When other people are our standard it is like building a house on shifting sand. Am I saying there aren't people who are admirable and who we could learn from? Absolutely not. There are people who could be a role model for us.
I found that the best and only person I can compare myself to and model after is Jesus Christ. When I compare myself to him and what he says, I don't have time to be anyone except me.
Seeking gems,
Seeking gems,
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
What I learned from Red Tails: It's not what you think
Red Tails is the latest film adaptation of the true events about the Tuskegee Airmen: the first group of all black fighter pilots in the US armed forces. The movie opens with a quote from the 1925 military study.
"Blacks are mentally inferior and by nature subservient, and thus are unfit for combat".

I'll be the first to admit that when I read that on the screen I had two reactions. First, I was angry. Second, I was concerned.
It is pretty obvious why I was angry so I won't go into that. But my concern was over how the black struggle for equality was going to be portrayed in this movie.
Would it be portrayed in a way that oversimplified the struggled in an attempt to make white audiences feel less uncomfortable? Or would it over emphasize the struggle by harping on the harshest and most extreme cases of prejudice, bigotry, and violence leaving all audiences emotionally battered?
I think it accomplished a nice balance so go see it! There! I didn't spoil anything for you.
I walked out of the theater feeling strangely patriotic and proud to be America...not African American so much but just American. Of course I am proud to be Black. In the words of Jerry Maguire "I love Black people." Usually these types of movie stirs up the inner Black Power in anyone, but that wasn't the case for me. I was struck by hugely American this film was and how proud I am to be an American not despite our flaws....but because of them!
Let me explain. Let's just be real. We all know the history of racial prejudice in this country. We have either experienced it first hand or we have heard or read about it. It is something we aren't proud of so we try to minimize it.
Well how can we ever change and grow if we don't talk openly? Not with attitude, but with understanding.
The BRAVE lesson I discovered was there is power in helping people who you don't like and who don't like you.
The truth is we barely know the people we don't like. We know just enough about them to say we don't like them and then the learning stops there.
The Bible even says there is nothing special about loving people who love you. Anybody can do that. That takes no real challenge.
It takes humility, selflessness, (two words we don't like) and courage to act in a way that benefits a foe or enemy. But doing so produces a greatness that is indescribable. It deepens our ability to be compassionate. It broadens our perspective. It magnifies our ability to love others. Basically, it expands our ability to change.
I guess that is why I felt so proud to be Americans after the movie. Though we dislike a lot of people; though we get a lot wrong; every now and then Americans take a moment to do something that benefits people we don't like. And when we do that positive change follows. It might not be quick and it will be met with resistance. But it wouldn't be the American way if it didn't.
Wholeheartedly me,
"Blacks are mentally inferior and by nature subservient, and thus are unfit for combat".
I'll be the first to admit that when I read that on the screen I had two reactions. First, I was angry. Second, I was concerned.
It is pretty obvious why I was angry so I won't go into that. But my concern was over how the black struggle for equality was going to be portrayed in this movie.
Would it be portrayed in a way that oversimplified the struggled in an attempt to make white audiences feel less uncomfortable? Or would it over emphasize the struggle by harping on the harshest and most extreme cases of prejudice, bigotry, and violence leaving all audiences emotionally battered?
I think it accomplished a nice balance so go see it! There! I didn't spoil anything for you.
I walked out of the theater feeling strangely patriotic and proud to be America...not African American so much but just American. Of course I am proud to be Black. In the words of Jerry Maguire "I love Black people." Usually these types of movie stirs up the inner Black Power in anyone, but that wasn't the case for me. I was struck by hugely American this film was and how proud I am to be an American not despite our flaws....but because of them!
Let me explain. Let's just be real. We all know the history of racial prejudice in this country. We have either experienced it first hand or we have heard or read about it. It is something we aren't proud of so we try to minimize it.
Well how can we ever change and grow if we don't talk openly? Not with attitude, but with understanding.
The BRAVE lesson I discovered was there is power in helping people who you don't like and who don't like you.
The truth is we barely know the people we don't like. We know just enough about them to say we don't like them and then the learning stops there.
The Bible even says there is nothing special about loving people who love you. Anybody can do that. That takes no real challenge.
It takes humility, selflessness, (two words we don't like) and courage to act in a way that benefits a foe or enemy. But doing so produces a greatness that is indescribable. It deepens our ability to be compassionate. It broadens our perspective. It magnifies our ability to love others. Basically, it expands our ability to change.
I guess that is why I felt so proud to be Americans after the movie. Though we dislike a lot of people; though we get a lot wrong; every now and then Americans take a moment to do something that benefits people we don't like. And when we do that positive change follows. It might not be quick and it will be met with resistance. But it wouldn't be the American way if it didn't.
Wholeheartedly me,
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Stretching myself to volunteer
I will be the first to admit that I don't like volunteering! I know! I know! Serving others is something that we should all strive to do. But I have to be honest.
I have been forced, guilted, and even shamed into serving others so many times that the idea of doing it on my own free will was preposterous!
Top 3 things that tick me off about volunteering:
- They never know when to stop asking! As soon as I agree to help with project A, I feel rope into in helping with projects B-K. Then my people pleasing side doesn't want to say no because after all, they are short on volunteers.
- Disorganization! A lot of places do not know how to manage their volunteers in a way that maximizes the labor force while simultaneously creating the much needed sense of accomplishment in the volunteer. There are too many mass calls for laborers and not enough structure on how to divy that labor.
- Feeling inadequate! Be honest, does sweeping the walk or washing the dishes way really help in the grand scheme of things? The organizations I care about have BIG needs. I want to help in BIG ways. Do my meager custodial or culinary or very bad gardening skills really make a difference in the lives of the men, women, and children who are struggling to preserve theirs?
So for the last two years I have secretly prayed and thought about volunteering in a way that marries the value and the postive experience of volunteering happily. There are so many great non-profit organizations and community projects worthy of my attention and my time. The quandary for me was when, where, and how.
Some where along the way, I convinced myself that I had nothing to offer people who were "less fortunate" because I have not walked in their shoes. I even thought my lack of struggle in life would be an offense to them.
We've all seen that show or movie in which the well meaning (and in some cases not so well meaning) volunteer showed up around the holidays or by court order only to be confronted by some shelter resident who chides the volunteer for being there today and gone tomorrow. I didn't want that to be me. I didn't want to be seen as some bougie (pronounced boo-zhee) suburban chick giving pittance to the po'folk.
I had to make choice. I could cower under the fictious tent of "what-ifs" based on my keenly reliable mind reading skills. Or I could take of control of the things over which I had control and partake in an experience that is priceless.
In my post titled " matter", I reference one of my favorite quotes Nelson Mandela used. He says "....There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you...And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.
I decided to take control. What do I have control over? My preferences and schedule.
The BRAVE lesson I learned was that it is ok, and even healthy to set boundaries even when in service to others.
I can not serve to the best of my ability under guilt and obligation because I overcommited myself because I was afraid to say no. There is a time and a place for us to inconvenience ourselves for others but it is unwise and unhealthy to chronically do so.
I am going to be volunteering at a home for women recovering from drug and alcohol addiction. I have never struggled with being homeless and/or being addicted to drug or alcohol. So I have no ideas what they'll think of me and worrying about it is a waste of time. Hopefully as I let my light shine, I can encourage someone to do the same.
I can set boundaries by:
- practicing the law of prior choice. My husband and I will decide ahead of time how much time I can realistically spend volunteering. That way I can avoid the people pleasing impulse to work longer than I should.
- aligning my strengths with their needs. Instead of doing something because it needs to be done, I will do things that are in line with my interests and passions. That way everyone benefits.
- saying "No". If I can't do it, I am going to say no and NOT offer a drawn out explanation that is fueled by feeling guilty. As women, we say no but then we feel we have to "soften" our no with an explanation about why we said no.
These small steps now, can make for a smooth, and dare I say it, enjoyable transition into volunterism.
I'll let you know how it goes.
Wholeheartedly me,
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Banishing Insecurties
Insecurities are like roaches. You think they are gone but if you expose a hidden area, they surface.
Some of you have made goals this year. To lose weight; exercise more; manage money better; get out of a negative relationship; go back to school; etc.
How are you doing on those? Did you find the minute you decided to make a change for the better, you ran smack into your giant wall of insecurities or self doubt? Maybe your insecurities came out the mouth of a well meaning friend or a maybe out of the mouth of someone who doesn't wish you well.
In my post "some risks are worth taking", I revealed that I started a business. At the time of the post, I was so happy to be able to fulfill a dream of mine. In fact, two more business opportunities came my way within the first week of launch. I immediately went from an ecstatic "I did it" to a worrisome "what have I done?"
I ended that post saying I wasn't going to listen to all the doubts I had. I listened far too long. But yet there I was again. Listening, watering, and giving too much attention to those doubts.
The Apostle Paul wrote in Roman 7:15 about being disgusted that the things he wants to do he doesn't do and the thing he hates doing, he does. How I can relate!
Why is when we are striving for the things we want most in our lives we can't escape wondering can I really do this? I mean surely God can just take it away, right? Sure, but what will I learn?
I admit, when faced with pressure, conflict, or uncomfortable situations, I have the tendency to retreat! That is my first instinct. The BRAVE lesson I am learning (because I certainly haven't master it yet) is that wanting to retreat and retreating are two different things.
When I feel the desire to retreat, I usually beat myself up for feeling that way...which then adds more pressure...which causes me to want to retreat even further. However, no harm has been done because I merely "wanted to". The harm comes when I actually retreat.
There is an important distinction between the two. I might want to go hide under the covers when life gets to hard, but each time I am BRAVE enough to say I will not retreat, I am banishing my insecurities.
Notice that I titled this post "banishing" and not "banished". Banish means to compel to depart. It is not just semantics. For my grammar loving friends, check this out. The suffix
" -ing" implies an active on going state. The ending "-ed" implies completion or something is done.
I am in the active state of compelling lack of confidence and self doubt to depart!

We will NEVER rid ourselves of all insecurities! They are a part of being human. The question is how will we deal with them when they come up.
The more you practice telling your insecurities to "get out" ; "get tha steppin"; "beat it"; "scram" ; "get outta here"; etc, the easier it becomes for you to move past them and on towards your accomplishing your goals!
So how do you actively compel lack of confidence and self-doubt to depart?
Wholeheartedly me,
Some of you have made goals this year. To lose weight; exercise more; manage money better; get out of a negative relationship; go back to school; etc.
How are you doing on those? Did you find the minute you decided to make a change for the better, you ran smack into your giant wall of insecurities or self doubt? Maybe your insecurities came out the mouth of a well meaning friend or a maybe out of the mouth of someone who doesn't wish you well.
I ended that post saying I wasn't going to listen to all the doubts I had. I listened far too long. But yet there I was again. Listening, watering, and giving too much attention to those doubts.
The Apostle Paul wrote in Roman 7:15 about being disgusted that the things he wants to do he doesn't do and the thing he hates doing, he does. How I can relate!
Why is when we are striving for the things we want most in our lives we can't escape wondering can I really do this? I mean surely God can just take it away, right? Sure, but what will I learn?
I admit, when faced with pressure, conflict, or uncomfortable situations, I have the tendency to retreat! That is my first instinct. The BRAVE lesson I am learning (because I certainly haven't master it yet) is that wanting to retreat and retreating are two different things.
When I feel the desire to retreat, I usually beat myself up for feeling that way...which then adds more pressure...which causes me to want to retreat even further. However, no harm has been done because I merely "wanted to". The harm comes when I actually retreat.
There is an important distinction between the two. I might want to go hide under the covers when life gets to hard, but each time I am BRAVE enough to say I will not retreat, I am banishing my insecurities.
Notice that I titled this post "banishing" and not "banished". Banish means to compel to depart. It is not just semantics. For my grammar loving friends, check this out. The suffix
" -ing" implies an active on going state. The ending "-ed" implies completion or something is done.
I am in the active state of compelling lack of confidence and self doubt to depart!
We will NEVER rid ourselves of all insecurities! They are a part of being human. The question is how will we deal with them when they come up.
The more you practice telling your insecurities to "get out" ; "get tha steppin"; "beat it"; "scram" ; "get outta here"; etc, the easier it becomes for you to move past them and on towards your accomplishing your goals!
So how do you actively compel lack of confidence and self-doubt to depart?
- Acknowledge it. Don't deny that you are insecure. That only buries the problem. Admit it.
- Remember. Remember the times you walked in confidence and draw strength from knowing that if you did it once, you can do it again
- Get support. Tell someone you trust about your struggle and ask them to support you through it.
Wholeheartedly me,
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Black people don't do that: Stay in church for less than 2 hrs
(Note: this post is in a tongue in cheek look at this subject. So lighten up a little. Sometimes hard topics can breed good conversation when first approached with humor. I encourage you be BRAVE enough to comment and laugh... it's ok!)
I grew up in a small all black baptist church. Growing up you did nothing on Sunday except go to church....ALL day (especially if we had a special program)!
It wasn't until I got to college that I visited an all white church. It was complete culture shock!
I had no doubt that my white friends and their congregants loved Jesus and was commited to living a life that honored was just they expressed it differently. Here are a few of my observations:
1. White church used a guitars in the music. The piano or the organ was the most prominent instrument in the joint. Then came the drums and then the tamborine
2. White church worship songs had nature metaphors and references. They sang about "deer panting for the water", about mountains and streams. In black church, we sang about how Jesus was going " help you pay your rent, and get clothes for your babies".
3. White church began and ended within 1.5 hrs. Black church started and ended when "the Holy Ghost said so"...translation...hours later. Comedian Gary Owens comments on his experience in an all black church
I always attributed the length of service as the number one reason I couldn't get people to come to church with me growing up...LOL!
Oh and for those who haven't had the experience of attending an all black service here is a little preview from the Color Purple. One of my favorite scenes!
What are some differences you noticed between Black and White churches?
Wholeheartedly me!
I grew up in a small all black baptist church. Growing up you did nothing on Sunday except go to church....ALL day (especially if we had a special program)!
It wasn't until I got to college that I visited an all white church. It was complete culture shock!
I had no doubt that my white friends and their congregants loved Jesus and was commited to living a life that honored was just they expressed it differently. Here are a few of my observations:
1. White church used a guitars in the music. The piano or the organ was the most prominent instrument in the joint. Then came the drums and then the tamborine
2. White church worship songs had nature metaphors and references. They sang about "deer panting for the water", about mountains and streams. In black church, we sang about how Jesus was going " help you pay your rent, and get clothes for your babies".
3. White church began and ended within 1.5 hrs. Black church started and ended when "the Holy Ghost said so"...translation...hours later. Comedian Gary Owens comments on his experience in an all black church
I always attributed the length of service as the number one reason I couldn't get people to come to church with me growing up...LOL!
Oh and for those who haven't had the experience of attending an all black service here is a little preview from the Color Purple. One of my favorite scenes!
What are some differences you noticed between Black and White churches?
Wholeheartedly me!
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Some risks are worth taking
I remember after I wrote, I reread it and was immediately discouraged. The joy and excitement that I had experienced mere seconds before were replaced by excuses and fear. Like a tidal wave, the excuses him and immediately I was drowing in the face of my reality. Needless to say I didn't do anything on that list that year. I've kept the list and when I am feeling BRAVE I review and then wait to see what feelings overtake me.
Two years ago, I reviewed the list and felt the vines of boldness creep up my back and plant itself on my shoulders. I thought why have I been telling myself I can't do these things.
My personality type is one that dreams big but doesn't see the path to get to the dream. When I looked at the list of would be achievements, I only saw them in their fully developed, fully realized states, best case scenario states. I would look at my dream business then look at the dirty diaper on the floor waiting to be deposited in the bin and wonder how I could ever bridge the two. Well no wonder I felt discouraged.
Fully equiped with boldness and fresh perspective from my counselor I gave myself permission to start working toward a goal; specifically, starting my own business.
The BRAVE lesson in this was recgoninzing that starting small can be the biggest thing I can do. Why? Because it allows me to start. If I try to go big right out the gate, most likely I'd never get off the ground. After much thought, prayer,a nd research this week I am humbled to say, I am launching my own business. The full business launch won't happen until the end of this year but one phase of it is ready and happens this week. AND I was able to offer someone a job! I have tackled something that, in the words of my late grandmother, "scared the living daylights outta me."
The hardest part about starting my business was dealing with all the internal junk involved in discovering what mattered most. I wanted to be able to rent office space, have a receptionist, a top notch website, and the latest and greatest gadgets. I wanted to "look" successful. I erroroneously thought that if I did it big, God would be best glorifyied. I wanted to make God look good and thought being a success in the way society defines it would do that. The truth was that deep inside, i wanted to all those things to make myself look good in the hopes that I might believe that I am good enough. The bible says that God will lead me in truimph (2Cor2:14), but I learned that my idea of triump and God's idea of triump have to be aligned.
Triumph to God is overcoming something that used to overcome you. Being obsessed with my public image used to overcome me, but not anymore. I feared that people wouldn't get it, heck! Half the time I didn't get it. Now I see all these years that God was leading me in the way of triumph by exposing and expelling the hidden agendas, the secret desires, the pride, and the shame that was keeping me from going after a dream.
My grand opening won't make the papers, and there will be little Facebook flourish. As I mentioned in previous post on New Year's resolutions, I am writing about it to be held accountable and ask for support. I am also writing about it to encourage you. Hopefully the right person will read this and tak away a nugget that will cause their boldness to bud.
When you put yourself out there to start something new, you have TONS of reason not to do it. I have listened to those reasons long enough. Some risks are just worth taking.
Wholeheartedly me,
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Scriptural Gems: Intro
One thing I realized is that we all want to know God and yearn to be His friend and have a closeness with him but we disregard the way He designed that to happen. You can not know God without knowing the scriptures, the Word, the Bible...whatever term you want to use. Pure and simple. God has revealed so much of his thoughts, his character, his intentions, his advice, his commandments, his desires, what he wants, what we should do, how we should act, how we should think, how to treat adversity, how to treat abundance, etc, all in the scriptures but because of our own biases, deceptions, disappointment, or some other "bible toting" person actions, we diminish the power and necessity of the Bible for several reasons.
It is like saying I want to know how to make a cake but I don't want to look a recipe. We want others to tell us what to do, psychics, fortune cookies, friends. etc because that is a whole lot easier than pulling out the scriptures and spending time with God. Why do you think so many false prophets and money hungry televangelists have been so successful in this country. Because we'd rather rely or even pay for another to tell us about God than to discover him for ourselves.
The flip side to this error is the some have decided that as long as they have God they don't need other people. We don't need Jesus, a pastor, or teacher, or to go to church to be with other congregants. All we need is God. That isn't scriptural either. The bible is full of encouragement to get to know others, serve other, learn from each other, and teach others. We can't do that with a "lone ranger" attitude. Because in the course of being in community with others we see what about us needs to change.
Wholeheartedly me,
It is like saying I want to know how to make a cake but I don't want to look a recipe. We want others to tell us what to do, psychics, fortune cookies, friends. etc because that is a whole lot easier than pulling out the scriptures and spending time with God. Why do you think so many false prophets and money hungry televangelists have been so successful in this country. Because we'd rather rely or even pay for another to tell us about God than to discover him for ourselves.
The flip side to this error is the some have decided that as long as they have God they don't need other people. We don't need Jesus, a pastor, or teacher, or to go to church to be with other congregants. All we need is God. That isn't scriptural either. The bible is full of encouragement to get to know others, serve other, learn from each other, and teach others. We can't do that with a "lone ranger" attitude. Because in the course of being in community with others we see what about us needs to change.
I have decided that I can no longer rely on the every
changing ideas of culture as an accurate source of guidance on what i should and should not do. It hasn't been working well for me. Cultural ideologies change too often and I need a foundation that will let me navigate what is worth my time and attention and what is not.
In that
vein, I have turned to the Bible for my source of wisdom. So I am beginning a
new series I am calling Scriptural Gems. I have made the commitment to read the
bible every day. I cannot know God and not know what the bible, his written
word, says. He speaks to our hearts in every situation through the scriptures
if we open ourselves to listen. Scriptural gems will be posts on how the
scriptures are speaking to me. I am excited to share some of the insights I
get. Understand this isn’t an in depth exegesis or analysis or study of
scripture. It is simply my response to what a particular scripture says and how
I feel about. I don’t claim that my feelings will always be right but that is
the beauty of a relationship of Christ…we can grow!
Wholeheartedly me,
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Better in 2012
One of my Facebook friends made a great observation. She said she was reading through her news feed and noticed how happy, excited, full of praise and gratitude everyone is today...New Year's Day!
It is like when the gray winter gives way to the fresh greenery of spring. Everyone is optimistic and welcomes positive change!
"BRAVE enough to be me" is going to change in 2012. A few couple of simple changes that I hope with make this a better publication and me a better BRAVER me!
I am excited and hope you continue with me on my journey in discovering the victories of and struggles of accepting myself.
Wholeheartedly me,
It is like when the gray winter gives way to the fresh greenery of spring. Everyone is optimistic and welcomes positive change!
"BRAVE enough to be me" is going to change in 2012. A few couple of simple changes that I hope with make this a better publication and me a better BRAVER me!
- I will post at least twice a week. That will be 8 new commentaries a month...get ready! :)
- I will start a new series called "Scripture Gems". This series will be journal like entries on how bible scriptures are speaking to me and how what is like trying to apply the scriptural gems in my life.
I am excited and hope you continue with me on my journey in discovering the victories of and struggles of accepting myself.
Wholeheartedly me,
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