
Friday, March 2, 2012

Scriptural Gem: Enjoy the ride (Philippians 1:6)

Enjoy where you are on the way the way to where you are going!

In all the madness and "git-her-done-ness" of my life right now I am miserable. My business is taking off and I am constantly thinking about how to improve it. How to get more customers? How do I keep the ones I have? How do I prepare for lean times.

In addition to that we had a small financial set back. So I have been worrying about whether we'll have the money to celebrate our 10 year anniversary in the grand sweeping way I so desire.

My son is getting ready to start preschool so I wondering if he has learned enough at home.
The last few weeks have been emotionally and mentally draining. I can't seem to turn my mind off. I am thinking about the future and how to get me and everyone else where I want to be.

Then I read Philippian 1:6 where Paul wrote to the church there:

I am convinced and sure of this very thing thing, He Who began a good work in you will continue until the day of Jesus Christ, developing that good work and perfecting and bring it to full completion in you. [AMP]

I have been so bogged down in the details of my life that I am not enjoying my life!

I have been absolutely miserable for the last few weeks. Why? I am trying to develop perfect and bring to completion the work in my life. Not just with my business but with my character goals, relationship goals, and yes financial goal. In short, I have been hustling. I haven't allowed myself to enjoy anything really.

I keep thinking this success is temporary and if I stop to enjoy any of it I will lose momentum and then the success will end.
That is a very defeating and deflating line of thinking. It has just left me stressed and upset because I am not enjoying the fruits of my labor.

This corrosive line of thinking isn't just in my professional life but in my personal life as well.
I am not enjoying my young children because I am worrying about the next step in their development. Do they know their names, shapes, colors, numbers, and letters? No? Well I really should be doing something that helps them learn those things and not building a fort for them to play in.

It sounds utterly ridiculous to say that out loud but it is what I have been thinking. Other moms seems to have this creative way of making learning fun for their kids and I am struggling to think of what they need to know. Un-oh I am falling prey to comparisons again. The result? I look at my kids for what they need to become and not for who they are. I don't enjoy them now because I am scared that I won't adequately prepare them for what is coming.

Bottom line is I am trying to make all these things happen and the Bible is telling me that I need to rely on God to do the heavy lifting of making us all over into what we need to be. It is also telling me I need to enjoy the ride and not just try to hurry to the destination.
Hmmmm....ok God I hear ya! Help me do that.

Seeking gems,
